Interview: Ice Dea on MusicTV show


Raykaz Blesses Us with a New Banger titled: Lyin' All Messi Ft. VR4T

RayKaz is a lyrical genius who has proven to be a force to reckon with, following his drop of an EP that is really a classic called "Anxious Confidence". Add that and a very collaborative work ethic then you have a bangers galore. He already has a promising year because he has been dropping non stop since December.

This year Raykaz decided to bless us with a brand new track featuring VR4T titled Lyin' All Messi which speaks on heart break .

is a lyrical genius who has proven to be a force to reckon with, following his drop of an EP that is really a classic called . Add that and a very collaborative work ethic then you have a bangers galore. He already has a promising year because he has been dropping non stop since December.

Listen the the audio on youtube:

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